Leisure, education and technology

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Creating comic books at physical education classes in elementary and junior high schools
1 March 2018 to 31 August 2020
About the project: 
This project aims at the creation of a new comic book application for Elementary Physical Education classes, with the purpose of education for leisure. An existing app developed by Prof. Dr. Cláudio Kirner, called Flaras, was adapted for this project. This research was composed by bibliografic and field research (qualitative studies). Two pedagogical experiences were done in an Elementary/Junior High education public school in Piracicaba city/SP/Brazil. Both pedagogical experiences were considered effective for Physical Education classes and education for leisure. The students showed positive views about dance, sports, games, gym, fight, elements of body culture. The project was executed by Methodist University of Piracicaba (UNIMEP)/Brazil and coordinated by Prof. Dr. Cinthia Lopes da Silva. The project was funded by FAPESP - Brazilian research agency, process 201713279-4.
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